The life and times of an anti-social intellectual

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Med de extra penge tilbage i skat kom også lysten til at købe et par DVD'er. Jeg har faktisk kun købt en i marts og det går sgu ikke. Så i dag blev Cause Stone Cold Said So, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 (2-disc) og Friends Complete Season 1 bestilt. Så kom der også hul på Friends-bylden og jeg kan begynde at samle på dem.

Træning i dag blev afbrudt før tiden men i den tid vi trænede fik vi trænet nogle gode basic moves. Dog fik vi ikke rigtig snakket om kampe til Haslev som vel egentlig var meningen. Vi har snakket lidt om at gøre det i morgen, søndag, men intet er aftalt. Jeg fik også endelig leveret den nok så hypede promo. Den blev leveret 2 gange endda idet en eller anden (ahem...) havde glemt at tænde kameraet første gang.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Årsopgørelsen fra Told/Skat bragte 1508,- med sig i overskudsskat. De falder unægteligt på et tørt sted skulle jeg hilse og sige.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

WWE will be releasing a Chris Benoit DVD on 7/19

Nej den skive skal jeg jo slet ikke have.
Genialiteten fortsætter idet NWE nu er BWE. BJØRNS WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT!! Det skulle vel aldrig være fordi alle de aktive på hans 'roster' nu wrestler i DWA? Og bedst som man troede DWA skulle til at køre krig mod manden....
Jeg har lige set Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels igen. Scott Keith gav den ***** så jeg måtte lige se om det var mig der var sindssyg ved "kun" at give den ****1/2. Efter jeg har set den igen holder jeg nu fast ved min oprindelige rating. Fantastisk kamp med en genial slutning. Men nogen 5'er er den ikke. Øjeblikket med Benoit der grædende tager imod bæltet og ham og Eddie der krammer var også i dag noget der faktisk rørte mig meget. Han fortjener det så meget. Ja, det gør de sgu begge to
Vince McMahon fortalte på RAW at der i næste uge vil blive en lodtrækning som skal skabe nye rosters på RAW og SmackDown. God ide synes jeg idet specielt SD var ved at blive ret uinteressant.
Det lader til at folk kan blive nødt til at droppe deres titler hvis de skal skifte 'brand'. Jeg frygter allerede nu at Benoit f.eks. ryger på SD og skal smide bæ det kunne de vel for fanden ikke finde på (...ku de?).

Monday, March 15, 2004

WWE WrestleMania XX
New York, NY - 14/3/04

AWESOME video package with "where it all begins...again" as the theme of course. Last shot was of Shane, Vince and Vince's grandson...terrific

John Cena vs. Big Show (*1/2) - Hot crowd for this somewhat mediocre match. Show dominated and Cena tried a million comebacks that all failed. In the end he did win of course and became US champ. Didn't go 10 minutes and thank God

La Resistance vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Rob Van Dam & Booker T vs. Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade (**1/4) - Short match but pretty decent for what it was. RVD and Booker retained

Chris Jericho vs. Christian (***1/2) - Seesaw match that just seemed to get more and more exciting as it went on. Some good near falls. Trish came out and got involved as she hit Jericho by mistake (or so we thought) and Christian rolled Y2J up for the 1-2-3. Afterwards, Trish turned on Jericho and left with Christian. I didn't really wanna see Trish turn but the turn actually worked and got a great reaction in MSG. I love heel Trish already!

Evolution vs. Rock 'N' Sock Connection (***1/2) - When Flair was backdropped on the outside and Foley came off the apron with the Cactus elbow minutes into this match I knew it was gonna be awesome. At times it seemed Flair worked the majority of the match for Evolution. Not that I complain about that mind you. MSG was cooking for this match and it provided lots of entertainment. Surprisingly, Foley put Orton over clean. What a gentleman! Might not have been the best wrestling match in the world but it was sports entertainment at its best

Sable & Torrie Wilson vs. Stacy Keibler & Miss Jackie [Evening Gown match] (DUD) - Everyone but Jackie decided to take their gowns off before the match. All that build-up out the window...ah well. They kept it short and of course it sucked (as a match anyway) but it served its purpose

Cruiserweight open (**3/4) - Fast-paced action with Chavo retaining his title in the end. Entertaining match but a bit of a spotfest

Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg (3/4*) - The fans made this match fun. Lots of "You Sold Out" at Brock and "Boring" chants. The crowd also sang the "Na na na na...heeeeey, goodbye" song at Brock both during and after the match. Goldberg won but no one really cared. Brock flipped off the fans after the match and then flipped off Austin who of course gave him the stunner. Goldberg drank a beer with Austin and got the stunner as well. Match was nothing but the crowd reaction ruled

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Basham Bros. vs. APA vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (**) - Scotty and Rikishi retained (unfortunately). Passable match. Crowd didn't care too much

Victoria vs. Molly Holly (**1/4) - They worked hard at this and again, few cared. Victoria won with a backslide. I liked this match. At least the effort was there. Molly got her head shaved. Actually she doesn't look all that bad bald...well maybe because she was next to Kurt Angle when he came out

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero (****) - They started at a slow pace and picked it up as they went along. It built into quite a thrilling contest. Eddie got the win with a roll-up. Not the classic I had expected but still an excellent match. Nice that Eddie retained

Kane vs. Undertaker (1/2*) - PAUL BEARER! HE'S BACK! I thought he said he'd never work for WWE after the necrophilia angle? Well, since when did anybody keep a promise in this business? Undertaker didn't look much like the old dead man but he did all the usual stuff we love and mark for. Good thing was he didn't move like he was dead. Match sucked but the mark out value was higher than ever

Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels (****1/2) - Crowd was behind Benoit all the way which was great of course. Michaels bled a river in this match. Fabulous performances by all, including Triple H. He actually tapped clean in the middle of the ring in the Crossface and BENOIT FUCKING WON THE GOD DAMN' WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! Without a doubt one of the greatest moments for me as a fan, not just of Benoit but of the sport. Seeing Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit hug and cry in the middle of the ring both with world titles was UN'FUCKING'BELIEVABLE! Match of the night

WrestleMania XX, much like WrestleMania X, had "it". It had that feeling of "this is something special". From the awesome opening video package, to the Hall of Fame segment, to the two ****+ matches, to the hot crowd, to Benoit becoming a world champion at the biggest show of them all...WrestleMania was an incredible experience. Not all the matches were top-notch but none of them were piss poor either. They all had something (mostly because of the crowd). Huge thumbs up for this show. I still can't believe I live in a world where Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit are both world champions...
Jeg modtog i dag The Monday Night War DVD'en. Den var ret fed og underholdende. Extramaterialet var også udmærket. Specielt elskede jeg Jim Cornettes rant hvor han snakker om icons i branchen. Derudover var Ric Flairs return til WCW fra Nitro d. 14/9/98 også med. Det er stadig et af de største Nitro moments i min bog - herligt at se igen. De 4 kampe der er på DVD'en i fuld længde er:

Steve Austin & Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart & British Bulldog [26/5/97] (***3/4)
Shawn Michaels & Triple H vs. Legion of Doom [15/12/97] (*)
Chris Benoit vs. Booker T [1/6/98] (**1/4)
Hollywood Hogan vs. Goldberg [6/7/98] (1/2*)

WrestleMania XX review coming up engang i aften...

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Så er det i nat det går løs! Det bliver herligt. Træningen igår var også herlig. Der var lidt mere struktur over tingene hvilket hjalp en del. Vi er også begyndt at se fremad mod Haslev showet i april og begyndt så småt at finde på ting og sager dertil.
Mit venstre ben har det dog ikke for godt. Først troede jeg det var mit knæ men jeg ka mærke i dag at det faktisk er længere nede og nærmere nede på skinnebenet det gør ondt (når jeg bøjer benet). Jeg havde lidt samme problem sidste uge (dog med knæet) og det gik væk efter et par dage så jeg håber det samme vil gøre sig gældende her. Indtil da er det en kamp at komme op af trapper. For satan da det gør nas :(

Dagen er gået stille og rolig. Jeg har læst "Wolf Whistle" færdig til timerne i morgen og så har jeg set David Lynchs "Mulholland Drive" som stadig er en af mine yndlingsfilm. Og nå ja, så har jeg barberet knoppen på mig selv da jeg var ved at blive for langhåret.