The life and times of an anti-social intellectual

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Lance Storm

For noget tid siden pimpede jeg og deres radioshows. Lance Storm er en regelmæssig gæst, og var det således i går. Det er et af ugens gratis-shows, så det må spredes skamløst som var det Missy Hyatts ben i et locker room.

Enjoy - linket er desværre expired

Lance Storm is back for a very interesting Figure Four Daily, in which we discuss his thoughts on the ECW revival and whether he'll be at the PPV Sunday; how his training school is doing; his thoughts on working 1PW in the UK recently; the injury that currently has him sidelined; thoughts on his ROH match with Bryan Danielson and who else in ROH he'd like to work; etiquette lessons for indy workers who might end up backstage at WWE; how Chris Jericho is doing these days; working in Japan and how etiquette was different there; thoughts on TNA; whether he's back watching wrestling again after noting a few weeks back that he needed a break; Q&A from the board; and much, much more!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Det komplette kort

Så er DW Hedeslag 2006 helt på plads og følgende kampe vil pryde ringen i Langå d. 1/7:

Benny Ray vs. Jackson

Schjøtler vs. Final Count vs. JUDAZ vs. Thorn vs. Raptor (Gauntlet match)

Kristian Holm vs. Tank vs. Pablito

Mad Man McKinzy vs. Smakhouze (Street Fight II, Loser Leaves DW)

Og selvfølgelig de to semifinaler og finalen om DW titlen:

Mr. PPV vs. Kimball

Chaos vs. Prince Muhammed

Rygtet siger, at hvem der end bliver champion vil titlen blive forsvaret første gang i Brovst d. 22/7. Mere info herom senere.