The life and times of an anti-social intellectual

Saturday, June 16, 2007

...og forresten

...så rules Cormac McCarthy og Oprah sucks. Dog er Oprahs SOMMERBOG Middlesex af Jeffrey Eugenides og hun har således valgt to af mine yndlingsforfattere i træk til bogklubben. Enten er min smag ringe eller også er Oprahs i bedring. Jeg har ikke læst Middlesex endnu, men jeg kan jo passende læse den henover sommeren så og føle mig dejlig suburban wife'sk. Pt. læser jeg Don DeLillos Falling Man, der handler om 9/11. Gur so far.

Men tilbage til Cormac og Oprah. For nylig gav Cormac sit første tv-interview nogensinde til Oprah, og jeg har set noget af det. Oprah afbryder ham...konsekvent. Hadet. Det var iøvrigt surrealistisk overhovedet at høre hans stemme. Anyho, et par bidder fra interviewet:

Oprah: Well you look just like you do on the back of the cover
Cormac: Yeah, I don’t know if that’s good or bad
O: That’s very good. Thank you for doing this today
C: This is, eh, this a first for me but…
O: I hear that it’s a first for you! Why have you never done it before?
C: Well…I don’t think it’s good for…good for your head. You spend a lot of time thinking about how to write a book, you probably shouldn’t be talking about it, you should probably be doing it

O: I read something that supposedly one of your ex-wives, I think your second wife had said that you were so poor at times, there was absolutely no money.
C: (Laughs)
O: That people would call and say: “Come and speak to us. We will pay you $2000” or whatever, and you’d say: “No. Everything I know is already on the page.”
C: Well, I was busy. I had other things to do

O: Do you care if now millions of people are reading your books versus when there were only a few thousand reading your books in the early years?
C: You know, in all honesty I have to say that I really don’t. I just don’t. I mean you want, you would like for the people that would appreciate the book to read it, but as far as many, many people reading it…so what? It’s OK, there’s nothing wrong with it.


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