The life and times of an anti-social intellectual

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ego-pleje 101

Fra inboxen...

To Madsen,

I've read a lot of wrestling reviews, but none have the excitement or wit like yours in the DWF. I'm also a huge fan of ROH shows, and have been wondering which shows to buy. However, I can't find reviews of the following ROH shows. If you have them, I would greatly appreciate them. Thank you.

It All Begins

Back to Basics

Best of American Super Jrs. Tournament

from A.D.

Der er absolut ingen mening med dette indlæg udover sføli at pimpe egen storhed. Og så lige for at nævne, at der kun er en uge tilbage af Edeka 2k5. Yay!


  • At 9:22 PM, Blogger Lars said…

    Det med at du laver gode reviews ku jeg da godt ha fortalt dig... :-D

  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Teologinen said…

    det er da et fedt skulderklap at få


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