The life and times of an anti-social intellectual

Monday, September 22, 2003

This semester is turning out to be the best so far. I really like my 3 courses and the reading for all, thus far, has been interesting and enjoyable. However, there is one exception namely Eudora Welty's "Delta Wedding" which I'm reading at the moment for my class about Southern literature. A great book should capture its reader in the first few pages (for more, see my BA project about beginnings in Paul Auster's books :-)) With "Delta Wedding" every page is a struggle. There have been some enjoyable pages, mostly consisting of dialogue but overall the book is boring and poorly written. I'm 140 pages into this 250 page cure for insomnia and frankly I don't see how I can get myself to finish it. I'm still wrestling with "Blonde" and I have about 220 pages to go. The good thing about having 2 literature courses in one semester: always something to read. There's nothing like finishing a 940 page book only to go on to the next book in the pile. I'm not looking for pity by the way....